hgic: American Beech (Fagus grandiflora) and Loblolly Pine Needles (Pinus taeda)
hgic: Berenice Boddy Camellia (Camellia japonica 'Berenice Boddy')
hgic: Stages of shelf mushroom development
hgic: Squirrel Dining Debris
hgic: Spotted-wintergreen or Pipsissewa (Chimaphila maculata)
hgic: Shelf Mushrooms
hgic: Shelf fungi and Green Algae
hgic: Resurrection Fern (Pleopeltis polypodioides)
hgic: Paper Bush Flower Buds (Edgeworthia chrysantha)
hgic: Orange Mushrooms
hgic: Johnny Jump Ups (Viola tricolor)
hgic: Mosses and Shelf Fungi
hgic: Moss on the north side of an oak
hgic: Lichens
hgic: Japanese Pieris flower buds (Pieris japonica)
hgic: Golden sunset light on White Oak (Quercus alba)
hgic: Florida Sunshine Anise (Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine)
hgic: D'Or Burford Holly (Ilex cornuta 'D'Or')
hgic: Don's Variegated Deciduous Azalea (Rhododendron austrinum 'Don's Variegated')
hgic: Snow Drops (Galanthus elwesii)