sohjames28: L1001220
tanitzergh: Ecco…
Roberto Spagnoli: Winter morning
tanitzergh: Tornando in Italia
tanitzergh: Tornando in Italia
tanitzergh: Tornando in Italia
lucia yunes: nada me impede
Eduardo Paiva Campinas: Pelourinho do Porto.
まさ masami: 20240209_044_2
まさ masami: 20240209_041_2
Gerard Hermand: Au cœur de la mode
Graham S Paton: Barclays Bank
sohjames28: DSC00644_2
beranekp: 1966 - Me with my Classmate and Friend in the 6th Grade
StreetCrusader: SYA0900 MA
StreetCrusader: SYA0879 MA2 Marseille - Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (France) - 2022
tanitzergh: Norimberga
tanitzergh: Norimberga
tanitzergh: Norimberga
tanitzergh: Norimberga
tanitzergh: Norimberga
tanitzergh: Norimberga