smokeynev1: Shanti at Planet Fitness gym Belmont
smokeynev1: Tonight's beautiful sunset on Lake Macquarie
smokeynev1: Very beautiful tawny frogmouth outside my place
smokeynev1: This says it all
smokeynev1: Landscape photo the artwork was done from
smokeynev1: BAIAME ANGLE . Watching over part of BAIAME'S country Lake Macquarie. Very special artwork.
smokeynev1: I am holding a statue found at the Gympie pyramid site in Australia very ancient place
smokeynev1: Egyptian hieroglyphics in Australia
smokeynev1: love and care for our beautiful land as our original caretakers always did
smokeynev1: Shanti and his girlfriend is with his girlfriend's mother
smokeynev1: My best friend shanti his new girlfriend
smokeynev1: Egyptian site in Australia
smokeynev1: My beautiful sisters artwork
smokeynev1: My country
smokeynev1: Shanti enjoying himself on a beautiful sunny day out on Lake Macquarie
smokeynev1: Shanti out on ride about enjoying the beautiful sunshine
smokeynev1: A beautiful sunset on Lake Macquarie
smokeynev1: Shanti after a very lovely night sleep
smokeynev1: Flower of the day while out on walkabout with Shanti my best and loving friend
smokeynev1: Shanty on walkabout
smokeynev1: a beautiful sunny day out with Shanti on the motor scooter
smokeynev1: Shanti having a beautiful day on Lake Macquarie
smokeynev1: animal cruelty for testing vaccines is morally and spiritually wrong very very crawled
smokeynev1: The beauty of creation that we are all part of
smokeynev1: The universal light shines on me around me and within me
smokeynev1: A beautiful angel 😇💫‍♂️💖 ART
smokeynev1: . Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 😍 a very beautiful flower of the day while on walkabout in the rain
smokeynev1: A very very beautiful special day on Lake Macquarie
smokeynev1: Shanti having a very beautiful day out with a friend
smokeynev1: Beautiful flower of the day out in Mother Nature on walkabout