pauleß: I took them all
Krzysztof Krr: Rogalin 02-2018 #24
privizzinis passion photography: Happy 12th birthday to one of my fav muses. We love you baby girl
szczerbaty77: Shouting man
Micha Küpper: Gate to the World.....
Sven Hein: alone
Santiago Sito: Buenos Aires-Congreso 18/12/17
Guy World Citizen: Portraits on the road - Funny singer in the street (China)
Chasingthelight_67: "A body of art" - Faces of Brick Lane
M.Pat: Divagation havresque #24
ysjoe1218: Untitled-38
natx713: pesonas
Mishifuelgato: Angustia
Micha Küpper: In the city.....
Mr B Eyes open: When your feeling a little wobbly from your hard working day. Take heart & know we are all the same. Days are all types, in all lights. Your love your light will always keep you alight. So if you fall, it’ll be there to bounce you back to stand so tall
Mr B Eyes open: Autumn #Sunset as it’s a time when some creatures hibernate, some get busy. As temperature changes habits, cycles shift, old leaves lost for the new ones to be reborn & regrow. New seed is within the shell of the old, nothings lost just life’s cycles.
natx713: personas-51
natx713: reflejo
Mr B Eyes open: When all said & done. Put your boat back ready to go again tomorrow, never give up! Go catch your dreams the following day. Today was a lesson dressed as a situation to learn, to be able to catch your dreams tomorrow.
shravann93: The Three Musketeers
ysjoe1218: DSC_2393
ysjoe1218: Untitled-6
ysjoe1218: Untitled-13