emurg: Emurg, Nuetron, Remote. Rip Bugs.
emurg: Haven't hit a daytime in ages.
emurg: Ugly.
emurg: The shogun assassin..
emurg: Consider this guy family.
emurg: Happy Father's Day.
emurg: Ran out of black and pink. :(
emurg: Trainssssssss!!
emurg: Trainz!!!!!!
emurg: Happy Mother's Day.
emurg: With some good homies 2013
emurg: 1 AM shenanigans with my graff partner Oyumboythejoogster.
emurg: Nuetron & Emurg
emurg: Art in the Dark.
emurg: Bbq with some homies. Great hospitality & memories.
emurg: "This is how I empty my bottle of emotions" -emurg
emurg: Haribo gold bears.
emurg: Muyho
emurg: Santa Fe derailed boxcar turned into storage unit.
emurg: Oyumoooooo! 🐄
emurg: Idaho.
emurg: Rising with the sun.
emurg: Emurg