Renate R: summer in the city
Renate R: Tempelhofer Feld in the evening
Renate R: Berlin - Tag der deutschen Einheit
Renate R: stormy days ...
Renate R: keep on running...
Renate R: stormy days ...
Renate R: everybody is out
Renate R: Idylle in der Stadt
Renate R: clouds over Berlin
Renate R: the biker
Renate R: you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows
Renate R: wild is the wind ...
Renate R: Der Himmel über Berlin
Renate R: summertime
Renate R: runway
Renate R: I'll follow the sun
Renate R: Wolken ziehen vorbei
Renate R: the biker and his shadow
Renate R: man without a head
Renate R: red outlook
Renate R: vor oder zurück
Renate R: strange days indeed
Renate R: the path of red dots
Renate R: in den Wolken