Betty Olsen: Beautiful swan
Betty Olsen: Easter lamb
Betty Olsen: Still a beautiful dog past my way
Betty Olsen: My cat awakes
Betty Olsen: A sweet dog on the beach
Betty Olsen: Caw with calves
Betty Olsen: Mouse dream
Betty Olsen: Cat with a god view
Betty Olsen: Big beautiful dogs, Hubertus hunting
Betty Olsen: Puddel on the beach
Betty Olsen: A dog in the snow
Betty Olsen: Even my cat love the sun
Betty Olsen: Spring, a nice familey
Betty Olsen: Swan in the sun
Betty Olsen: A beautiful cat on the fields
Betty Olsen: A man and with hes dog
Betty Olsen: Dont touch it
Betty Olsen: Bumble-bee on flower
Betty Olsen: Butterfly
Betty Olsen: So tired, can you se me? yes, but I can print!
Betty Olsen: Snail on the Wall
Betty Olsen: Swan,wait for food
Betty Olsen: Swans, Hornbæk Golf Course
Betty Olsen: Skarv enjoy the sun
Betty Olsen: First class apartment
Betty Olsen: Swans i sparling water
Betty Olsen: Greek dogs sekend floor,bark at me
Betty Olsen: Stork, Zoo Copenhagen
Betty Olsen: The most beautiful animal in Copenhagen Zoo