St Johns: Walnut Creek: Area wide suburban development causing erosion and impacting an historic African-American neighborhood.
St Johns: Walnut Creek: Area wide suburban development causing erosion and impacting an historic African-American community. Dog still guarding its home.
Historic St Johns neighborhood 1971. Walnut Creek suburban development victim - Pond slider turtle
Historic St Johns community at Walnut Creek: Area wide suburban development causing erosion and impacting an historic African-American neighborhood. Dog still guarding its home.
Historic St Johns community: suburban development in the historic Black neighborhood and Walnut Creek
St Johns at Walnut Creek: View across IH 35 north of Airport Boulevard. What Austin was to become - a huge metropolitan area up from a population of 100,000 plus in the 1960s.
St Johns area of Austin, Texas: Walnut Creek watershed increasingly suburban and urbanized.