Untitled by Marion Bolognesi & Stephen Holding Since 2007 They have been steadily collaborating since our their joint exhibit- Inner Vision at Six Keyz Gallery in Hong Kong. Their collaborations are layered panels of plexiglass and watercolor paper built
Untitled by Marion Bolognesi making motive watercolor portraitures that seems to appear out of the nothingness of their stark, white backgrounds. Often accenting using drips and large blots to echo the transient feelings that make us human.. #CayetanaCato
Untitled by Marion Bolognesi She is mostly inspired by her surroundings, by the colors, objects & people in my own environment. #CayetanaCatonProjects #CCProjects #love #Art #design #curator #Fashion #designer #abstract #Contemporary #ArtGalleries #Lindse
Untitled by Marion Bolognesi An illustrater from New york whos work focuses on facial features mainly eyes. Usually working with color her work shows expressions through just eyes. In most of her work she shows some kind of struggle or pain. The mastery o