Elwyn Brooks: Gravestone fragments mounted on the wall at the Old South Church, Copley
Elwyn Brooks: Quinsey stone
Elwyn Brooks: Antiquity as seen through a Victorian lens
Elwyn Brooks: Cram and Ferguson
Elwyn Brooks: Brass inlay
Elwyn Brooks: Margaret Shepherd
Elwyn Brooks: Never mind the gap
Elwyn Brooks: Outline inscription
Elwyn Brooks: Coolidge plaque
Elwyn Brooks: Heathwood plaque
Elwyn Brooks: So delicate, almost nervous
Elwyn Brooks: Anyone live at 256?
Elwyn Brooks: Sample house number
Elwyn Brooks: Sketch for a demo project for the Printing Fair
Elwyn Brooks: To paint or not to paint
Elwyn Brooks: OME, you guys
Elwyn Brooks: Set up at the Museum of Printing
Elwyn Brooks: Tracy Mahaffey
Elwyn Brooks: Tracy's table