S Baigent Photography: Spitting carrots
S Baigent Photography: Wedding photography
S Baigent Photography: Wedding shoes
S Baigent Photography: Rings rest upon a rose
S Baigent Photography: Taxiing for take off
S Baigent Photography: Taxiing for take off
S Baigent Photography: Taxiing for take off
S Baigent Photography: A double wave for the day ahead
S Baigent Photography: Face mask? Check!
S Baigent Photography: Lifting off from Coningsby
S Baigent Photography: Taking to the skies
S Baigent Photography: Cleared for take-off
S Baigent Photography: Pick up the pace
S Baigent Photography: Zooming down the runway
S Baigent Photography: Break to land
S Baigent Photography: Vegetation break
S Baigent Photography: Banking left
S Baigent Photography: Passing over
S Baigent Photography: Typhoon break
S Baigent Photography: Prepare for landing
S Baigent Photography: Shedding some light
S Baigent Photography: Solo pass for landing
S Baigent Photography: Almost there...
S Baigent Photography: Heading for the runway
S Baigent Photography: Passing over fields
S Baigent Photography: Four ship chasing rainbows