cazalegg: Bearded Reedlings - Panurus biarmicus
mauro_morando: Fringilla coelebs - Ronco Scrivia (GE), Italia - 8/12/24 (OM-1 & m.zuiko 300/4, 1/500", f/4, ISO 1600)
mauro_morando: Sitta europaea et Spinus spinus - Bialowieza, Podlachia, Poland - 21/01/2016 (OM-D E-M1 & m.zuiko 40-150/2.8+MC-14, 1/640", f/5, ISO 1000)
nonnogrizzly: Pleurotus ostreatus
Gladys Klip: Sperwer / sparrowhawk / L''epervier d'Europe
Weja 68: R5I Buzzard
Luca Avanzini: so young and so cruel
Daniel Trim: Great Spotted Woodpecker
Daniel Trim: Great Spotted Woodpecker
Daniel Trim: Great Spotted Woodpecker
denismichaluszko: Épervier d'Europe ♀ / Eurasian Sparrowhawk ♀
Luca Avanzini: Female goshawk calling male
Cog2012: DSC_9525
va.mark: Occiocotto
mauro_morando: Erithacus rubecula, Parus major, Poecile palustris, Fringilla coelebs - Ronco Scrivia (GE), Italia - 8/12/24 (OM-1 & m.zuiko 300/4, 1/400", f/4, ISO 2000, panorama stitching of 4 shots)
denismichaluszko: Chevêchette d'Europe / Eurasian Pygmy Owl
Carla@: Very strong wind, the light goes down and the sky turns pink - natural light
monte stinnett: Short-eared owl and northern harrier
cazalegg: Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula - Male
Luca Avanzini: this is my kingdom
Matte Gratta: Arte invernale
Luca Avanzini: Goshawk hiding its prey
Luca Avanzini: drizzle on the forest ghost
sandra bourgeois: Grand héron - Great blue heron
va.mark: Saltimpalo
JEO126: Downy woodpecker
denismichaluszko: Guêpier d'Europe / European Bee-eater