alainloss: Mursi men get-together
alainloss: Mursi tribesman wrapped in his blanket tied over one shoulder
alainloss: Mursi woman wrapped in her blanket
alainloss: Mursi villager using his Donga stick for support
alainloss: Mursi leaning on his Donga, a long wooden pole often used for fighting
alainloss: Young Mursi couple
alainloss: Mursi woman with decorative scars called Kitchoga on her arm
alainloss: Young Mursi mom with pierced earlobes, body scarifications and bracelets
alainloss: Universal embodiment of love
alainloss: Mursi mom in a display of love
alainloss: Mursi moms with pierced lips pierced ears and body scarification
alainloss: At age 15 a hole is cut in the lower lip and stretched overtime. To accommodate the lip plates at least two and sometimes four lower front teeth are extracted
alainloss: As early as puberty some Mursi women opt to have their lower lip pierced so that they can wear a clay plate
alainloss: Young Mursi with traditional face painting
alainloss: Lip-plates are only worn occasionally leaving the distended lip swaying below the jaw
alainloss: Made of clay the Mursi plate called Dhebi can be as large as a saucer after years of lip stretching
alainloss: Mursi tribeswoman with an elaborate headdress made with wild tomatoes and buffalo horns, showing off the iconic lip plate
alainloss: Gorgeous Mursi with an intricate headdress and face painting
alainloss: Mursi woman wearing an elaborate headdress made with goatskin and metal scraps
alainloss: Despite peer pressure some Mursi women decide against the lip-plate tradition
alainloss: Mursi warriors have a fearsome reputation
alainloss: Mursi use a white sort of clay for body and face painting
alainloss: Creatively-recycled plastic bottle handles have become a Mursi bracelet
alainloss: Mursi huts have a low and small door to prevent the cattle from entering
alainloss: Mursi boy at his hut's doorstep
alainloss: The larger the lip plate, the more beautiful the Mursi bride is and the more cattle dowry she will generate for her father, hence female children are seen as a blessing
alainloss: Young Mursi mom with pierced ears and beautiful arm scarifications
alainloss: Ear plugs are a common Mursi adornment with earlobes sometimes stretched to breaking point
alainloss: Stunning Mursi smile
alainloss: Suckling and pinching