stratfordman72: NS 87 38 1013 at Amsterdam
stratfordman72: NS 105 Official Photo
stratfordman72: NS 6015 at Utrecht
stratfordman72: NS 6321 at Dordrecht
stratfordman72: NS 6104 at Hilversum
stratfordman72: NS 6300 Official Works Photo
stratfordman72: NS 6303 Official Works Photo
stratfordman72: The Dutch 08
stratfordman72: 1944 Bombing Raid at Merelbeke by the RAF
stratfordman72: SNCB 8127 Bombed Loco at Caffiers France
stratfordman72: SNCB 1002 at Ostend
stratfordman72: SNCB 1007 at Brussels Nord
stratfordman72: SNCB 1010 near Bassilly
stratfordman72: SNCB 3500
stratfordman72: SNCB 4610 at Bruges
stratfordman72: SNCB 4968 at Mons
stratfordman72: SNCB 6614 at Bruges
stratfordman72: SNCB 6915
stratfordman72: SNCB 29152 at Brussels Shed
stratfordman72: SNCB 31184
stratfordman72: SNCB 40006 at Mons Shed
stratfordman72: SNCB 40024 at Mons
stratfordman72: SNCB 40027 at Mons Shed
stratfordman72: SNCB 60016 at Brussels Shed
stratfordman72: SNCB 62004 at Brussels Shed
stratfordman72: SNCB Hevy Shunt at Ostend 1980