kila diaz: valdivia 2018_39
kila diaz: "El alma libre es rara, pero la identificas cuando la ves: básicamente porque te sientes a gusto, muy a gusto, cuando estás con ellas o cerca de ellas, Charles Bukowski
Sophie.Dituri: All that Shimmers
Pwa25: What could be more scarier than a 'shooter' coming out of the fog?!
o_teuerle: picture wall
jeanmarccos: Sunset
awanglilin: bench _
_ Ivor_: That which simply is not there
hajavitolak: Small penguins. *** (Explore)
taraka26: Blood and Fire
MudMapImages: Water Baby
*Gitpix*: Where is the summer?
koen_jacobs: Reader [explored]
marcin baran: Early Meeting
Juergen Huettel Photography: Water and industry after sunset
Ben Rodríguez: 23 de Junio.