petrafluffy: Been making some curry from the last of my veg + half the tins from the foodbank
petrafluffy: Love my fave helper
petrafluffy: Love doing chores as Petra
petrafluffy: I love cooking
petrafluffy: Love corned beef hash
petrafluffy: I've been out n' got a food parcel from the food bank, had to hitch there n' back but with a flash of leg easily got rides, yes mostly tinned but might help me not starve
petrafluffy: Since I've very little fresh stuff in the fridge
petrafluffy: My love doing the washing up
petrafluffy: Using my hand washer
petrafluffy: So what do you want for dinner?
petrafluffy: Making Stollen
petrafluffy: Yum yums
petrafluffy: Olive apron
petrafluffy: Hi there - 24/1/19