petrafluffy: Got the next Game of thrones to watch - season 5
petrafluffy: Cosy by the hostel fire
petrafluffy: Oh well, see ya, back to game of thrones for me
petrafluffy: Runswick Bay
petrafluffy: IMG_7217
petrafluffy: In my pink fluffy angora sweater
petrafluffy: Been out hunting for firewood
petrafluffy: Below the beans
petrafluffy: Pinkyness
petrafluffy: Country lady
petrafluffy: Been playing settlers
petrafluffy: Sitting by the window
petrafluffy: Lovely sunset
petrafluffy: Pancakes
petrafluffy: Steaming must be cold but I'm lovely n' warm in my velvet & angora
petrafluffy: Love both these
petrafluffy: Is that a fluffy mohair jumper
petrafluffy: Just stepped out
petrafluffy: More pink angora
petrafluffy: Lovely
petrafluffy: Walking along the river Wear, south of Durham
petrafluffy: But its clouded over a lot since
petrafluffy: It was lovely n' sunny when I set up the chair outside
petrafluffy: Legs up
petrafluffy: Pantyhose angora & panties
petrafluffy: I love mohair
petrafluffy: At 03.47 - 5/12/18
petrafluffy: _DSC0011
petrafluffy: Two more from the early hours of this morning