charlesjohnbaker: Native American artifacts found in the vicinity of Richmond, Virginia. Most likely associated with the Powhatan tribe during the woodland period.
charlesjohnbaker: Native American artifacts found in the vicinity of Richmond, Virginia. Most likely associated with the Powhatan tribe during the woodland period.
charlesjohnbaker: Native American artifacts found in the vicinity of Richmond, Virginia. Most likely associated with the Powhatan tribe during the woodland period.
charlesjohnbaker: rufous mouse opossum (Marmosa lepida), primary forest along the Waita river, Ecuador.
charlesjohnbaker: Carnivorous Drosera capillaris from Alachua county, Florida.
charlesjohnbaker: Carnivorous Drosera capillaris from Alachua county, Florida.
charlesjohnbaker: Bothriechis marchi, Cusuco NP, Honduras
charlesjohnbaker: Bothriechis marchi
charlesjohnbaker: Sceloporus hondurensis
charlesjohnbaker: Adelphicos quadrivirgatum from a coffee farm in Honduras
charlesjohnbaker: Adelphicos quadrivirgatum from a coffee farm in Honduras
charlesjohnbaker: Hylinobatrachium sp.
charlesjohnbaker: Chelus fimbriata
charlesjohnbaker: Chelus fimbriata
charlesjohnbaker: Chelus fimbriata
charlesjohnbaker: Callimedusa tomopterna
charlesjohnbaker: Veiled stinkhorn
charlesjohnbaker: High elevation cloud forest in the Andes mountains of Ecuador
charlesjohnbaker: High elevation cloud forest in the Andes mountains of Ecuador
charlesjohnbaker: Sistrurus miliarius. Very small species of rattlesnake native to the southeastern United States.
charlesjohnbaker: Sistrurus miliarius. Very small species of rattlesnake native to the southeastern United States.
charlesjohnbaker: Anolis fitchi
charlesjohnbaker: Psuedoboa coronata
charlesjohnbaker: Sarracenia purpurea
charlesjohnbaker: Sarracenia purpurea
charlesjohnbaker: Sarracenia purpurea