mossevenotenk: New Babbage. Predawn. Mr. Tenk is on his way home.
mossevenotenk: But what is this? Lord Smashington, out side the city wall?
mossevenotenk: The citizenry awake and discover the disaster
mossevenotenk: surveying the teahouse wreckage
mossevenotenk: Salazar constructs a tripwire!
mossevenotenk: Steady, Smashington. Eyes straight ahead...
mossevenotenk: Fire breaks out from the remains of the Teahouse!
mossevenotenk: Waiting for the fire brigade
mossevenotenk: but the flames grew higher
mossevenotenk: a shift in wind, the circus canvas is threatened
mossevenotenk: Salazar Jack gets an idea
mossevenotenk: Combating the fire