arango_leonor: I agree with all
arango_leonor: What did you do today? The evil is condoned and those with awareness are convicted.
arango_leonor: With all due Respect..
arango_leonor: Read and Learn Even Science explains the Laws of Existence.
arango_leonor: Again and Again, she shines the sun on us. Dear Mother Planet I know you may want to Evict US.
arango_leonor: Well in so many words
arango_leonor: Yes always did #feelthebern
arango_leonor: A Trutherbot post to photo.
arango_leonor: Beauty all around us..
arango_leonor: Message to Tyrants
arango_leonor: Support for #feelthebern2016
arango_leonor: PLEASE Wake Up...
arango_leonor: There will always be light if you Bring it with your Vibes.
arango_leonor: I do not want Obama to carry all this mess, every time I fact-Check he is the highest of worse.
arango_leonor: I will say it time and again, teach your children well.
arango_leonor: Expected and Known
arango_leonor: Words from the Ancients
arango_leonor: Take a close look, see who is getting the Tax Breaks, and find the logic or the why!
arango_leonor: Cost of War Index in USA, this is why the 99% s money goes. We do not infuse our Nation Back.
arango_leonor: Here is a list of our Presidents and how many Executive Orders did they put in Place. Look at Obama!
arango_leonor: I read the spirituality in all there proverbs, but to them and I everything has a soul and spirit..they are the true Natural man.
arango_leonor: Proverbs to live by and Respect. A'Ho
arango_leonor: Life size Sculpture of the Greatest night in Germany.
arango_leonor: Unkown art from Black Renaissance in Europe.
arango_leonor: The Black Renaissance of Europe.
arango_leonor: I am angry now, and letting it out. Sorry
arango_leonor: Infinite Beauty of Clouds Kissing Earth.
arango_leonor: Classic Vintage Madana
arango_leonor: the sky Meets Mother Earth
arango_leonor: All life is sacred and all in our life has a soul. Namaste