Tiigra: A palace was being built on the outskirts of Yerevan, right at the highway leading to Sevan lake.
Tiigra: Probably a replica of some well known palace in Europe. Or a combination of different ones - the richer the better.
Tiigra: The prosecutor's palace
Tiigra: The local story is that a district prosecutor is the owner.
Tiigra: It is important to mention that a prosecutor's salary is not high. Looks like he (she?) is complementing it with... oh no, not bribes, I hope!
Tiigra: The prosecutor's palace
Tiigra: The prosecutor's palace. Location, location, location... Armenia, Sept. 2006
Tiigra: The prosecutor's palace. Armenia, Sept. 2006
Tiigra: The prosecutor's palace. Armenia, Sept. 2006
Tiigra: The prosecutor's palace. Armenia, Sept. 2006
Tiigra: The prosecutor's palace. Armenia, Sept. 2006
Tiigra: Revisiting the prosecutor's palace (see http://www.flickr.com/photos/13879794@N04/sets/72157637674800844/). Armenia, Sept. 2006
Tiigra: Location... Right in front of the local prosecutor's palace. Armenia, Sept. 2006