seaside.girl48: more sewing
seaside.girl48: another autumn outfit
seaside.girl48: off to dress the window
seaside.girl48: off to play with bonster
seaside.girl48: sewing day
seaside.girl48: i love orange
seaside.girl48: dentist again
seaside.girl48: autumnal
seaside.girl48: when i grow old..
seaside.girl48: autumn colours
seaside.girl48: wrapping up
seaside.girl48: off to hospital again!
seaside.girl48: mad cat lady
seaside.girl48: shopping
seaside.girl48: thursday
seaside.girl48: hospital
seaside.girl48: blustery day
seaside.girl48: oldy but goody
seaside.girl48: autumn pallete
seaside.girl48: red white and black
seaside.girl48: battening down the hatches
seaside.girl48: swimming