biguglystuff: bumblebee on the spirea
biguglystuff: Bumblebee
biguglystuff: incoming!
biguglystuff: tiny bee on a coneflower
biguglystuff: mantis in the garden
biguglystuff: This mouth looks like it should have been in the Alien movies!
biguglystuff: I See You!!!
biguglystuff: 20180707_45
biguglystuff: gray hairstreak
biguglystuff: American Holly Azure on spirea
biguglystuff: painted lady
biguglystuff: cloudless sulphur in the yard
biguglystuff: skipper
biguglystuff: hummingbird moth
biguglystuff: Snowberry/Bumblebee Clearwing Moth
biguglystuff: Fritillary in the yard
biguglystuff: Fritillary in the yard
biguglystuff: eastern tiger swallowtail
biguglystuff: 20170916_33
biguglystuff: coneflower center
biguglystuff: clematis
biguglystuff: Day Lilly in the yard
biguglystuff: raindrop on butterfly bush
biguglystuff: dewdrops on a vinca flower - yard
biguglystuff: Cicada - it's what's for dinner!
biguglystuff: Jumping spider
biguglystuff: jumping spider
biguglystuff: bad hair day for the jumping spider
biguglystuff: another jumping spider
biguglystuff: spider in the driveway