3978: Silver Surfer - Jack Kirby art
3978: Silver Surfer by Jack Kirby
3978: Cosmic Thor. Jack Kirby
3978: 2001 - Jack Kirby
3978: Splash page from Strange Tales #70, 1959. Jack Kirby & Christopher Rule art. clouds
3978: Jack Kirby's pencil art for the cover of the 3D Cosmic Poster from 1982
3978: 2012 cover. Edmund Bagwell art. Jack Kirby tribute
3978: Indigo Prime. Edmund Bagwell art. Jack Kirby & Steve Ditko cosmic tribute
3978: Transmetropolitan: All Around the World. Edmund Bagwell art. Jack Kirby tribute
3978: Splash page from Doom Patrol #53, 1992. Ken Steacy art pg.9. Kirby tribute
3978: Splash page from Doom Patrol #53, 1992. Ken Steacy art pg.2. Kirby tribute
3978: The Steersman at the Helm by Rick Veitch. Jack Kirby nod