helst1: Blick von The Shard - Looking down from The Shard
helst1: Gänseküken - gosling, St. James's Park, London
helst1: Ausflug mit Mama - outing with Mom
helst1: Blossoms of a Sapphire dragon tree, Paulownia kawakami
helst1: Peruanischer Blaustern, Portuguese squill, 'Cuban Lily', Scilla peruviana
helst1: House boats, Little Venice, Regent's Canal
helst1: Rebhuhn, Grey Partridge, Perdix perdix
helst1: Thames - Themse, Richmond upon Thames
helst1: Blüten einer unbekannten Pflanze - blossoms of an unidentified plant
helst1: House boats, Little Venice, Grand Union Canal
helst1: River Thames near Richmond upon Thames
helst1: Kew Gardens stroll
helst1: 8 cuties
helst1: Bananenblüte
helst1: Hängebuche, Weeping beech, Fagus silvatica 'Pendula'
helst1: Berg-Nelkenwurz, Alpine avens, Geum montanum
helst1: Pandanus heterocarpus, Rodrigues screwpine
helst1: Aloe ngongensis
helst1: Schnittlauch, Chives, Allium schoenoprasum
helst1: River Thames near Richmond upon Thames
helst1: Fabiana imbricata, Fabianastrauch, Pichi-Pichi
helst1: Pen Ponds, Richmond Park, London
helst1: Prächtiger Ingwer, Beehive ginger, Zingiber spectabile
helst1: Mimulus naiandinus
helst1: Englisches Hasenglöckchen, Bluebells, Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Richmond Park, London
helst1: Päonie, peonia, peony
helst1: Rot, rosa, gelb - Red, pink, yellow
helst1: Unterqueren der Themse - Crossing under the Thames - Attraversamento sotto il Tamigi
helst1: Blauregen, Glyzinie, Wisteria, St. Paul's Churchyard
helst1: Tower Bridge, 19.38 h