AndrewVxtc: LEGO Bioshock Infinite - Booker & Elizabeth
Aljan Custom: LEGO : Custom Delta Squad
Aidan Caplan: Konstantin Kohotnik, AKA "The Crimson Hunter"
SweStar: [MOC] 6821 Shovel Buggy
SweStar: -1SpaceDiorama-
SweStar: Explore strange new worlds
SpearralSquid: Another Castle Figbarf
RK*Pictures: Star Trek
Immediate~C: Outdoor pics3 2015-03-07
Immediate~C: Outdoor pics4 2015-03-07
House Dimir: Rejected Khans of Tarkir Figs
minifig_world: img-min-mw-codadvwar-01
Maniacal Customs: Lego Aang [Avatar: The Last Airbender]
Flak.Gor: military motorcycle v2
Flak.Gor: military motorcycle v2
Immediate~C: Post-Reformation
SecutorC: Noble Knight
R.Goff1: Lurtz
R.Goff1: Ring Wraith
R.Goff1: Knights Templar
Elendilmir: Darkside lotr
Toa Lewa: More Space Castle
RK*Pictures: Star Trek
N-11 Ordo: Wheely time !
sith_fire30: ARIP15
Dirks_Designs: The Rhino
bobcabob_diw: Top Ten Favorite Minifigures