born1945: How Many Ducks Can You Count?
born1945: Black-capped Chickadees fore and aft
born1945: Yellow-rumped Warbler
born1945: Sunrise over the Wetlands
born1945: Pintail Ducks as far as the Eye Can See
born1945: Moon
born1945: Cormorants going from here to there
born1945: Frosty Scat
born1945: Bushtits
born1945: Education Center Building
born1945: Redtail Hawk on a Cold Morning
born1945: Cackling Geese
born1945: First Look at the Camas Plants
born1945: Tualatin River about to Overflow its Banks
born1945: Golden-crowned Sparrow
born1945: Long-necked Pintail Duck
born1945: Flooded Wetlands
born1945: Wetlands are Flooding
born1945: Salamanders
born1945: Floods at Jackson Bottom Wetlands Preserve
born1945: Canada Goose Eggs
born1945: Great Camas Starting To Bloom
born1945: Baby Blue Eyes
born1945: Tree Swallow
born1945: Thimbleberry
born1945: Snowbrush, Evergreen Shrub
born1945: Camas a-bloom
born1945: Choke Cherry Flowers
born1945: Osprey on the Nest
born1945: Oregon Ash