born1945: Eagle
born1945: Bullfrog Tadpole, Rana catesbeiana
born1945: Dragon Fly Nymph, Suborder Anisoptera
born1945: Waterfall
born1945: Scooter Bug
born1945: Footbridge, Dam, Waterfall
born1945: Water
born1945: 2 Red-tailed Hawks Soaring
born1945: Canada Geese circling to land in the Tualatin River
born1945: Canada Geese and Gulls by the Tualatin River
born1945: Red-tailed Hawk on a Utility Pole
born1945: Tualatin River back to Normal Levels
born1945: Tualatin River at Its Normal Level
born1945: Harvested Grass Seed field
born1945: Vineyard of Oregon Grapes
born1945: Tualatin Valley Vista
born1945: Filbert Nut Orchard
born1945: Oregon Filbert Nuts on the Ground
born1945: Sunset in Oregon
born1945: Tualatin River
born1945: Kyle and Travis looking at the River
born1945: Nutria Damage to Edge of Pond
born1945: Tualatin River Bridge at Rood Bridge Road
born1945: Water Quality Sensor Probe
born1945: Solar Panels
born1945: Happy Wet Wednesday
born1945: Frozen
born1945: Flooded Corn Field
born1945: Swans at the Wetlands
born1945: Reflection