Lino Sánchez: Manzanas
Wunderlich, Olga: Herbstkomposition
christelwh: The Crown of Beauty. -Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite Beauty.
christelwh: Beauty. - Love of Beuaty is taste, creation of Beauty is Art.
koen_jacobs: under the bridge
ivánmoral: Gibby
darklogan1: Fairy Tale Castle.
jlucierphoto: Crystal Lake, Eaton N.H.
nalle_folkblom: B94A2350v
David Cudworth: Skye Gold
Alex Mand: Between the Wheat
mikeginn12000: DuPont State Forest
mikeginn12000: Shadows and Fog in Dupont State Forest
mikeginn12000: A Hike in the Woods
A Great Capture: Bay Station Entrance - Cumberland
A Great Capture: Swan at Dusk
fl_mala: "Words can satisfy your mind...but silence satisfies your soul.."
fl_mala: “What we focus on outside is a reflection of what we feel inside...”
fl_mala: "It's almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream..."
jagar41_ Juan Antonio: La mirada de mi mascota.
VollesKorn: Seidiger Sonnenaufgang, Heiligendamm
oscar lsz: Chilehaus, Hamburg 2018
marc.2006: Portrait