FotoFourteen: 7Days:Day1 - Keeping up appearances. Current mood: This is my wtf face. You don't even want to know. #selfie #fotofourteenoriginal
FotoFourteen: 7Days:Day2 - It's never too {Early} to get your act together. I'm tired of my lack of organization, potential unread emails, rejection letters, procrastination. I threw over 20,000 email away between 2 accounts and I don't regret a damn thing.
FotoFourteen: 7Days:Day3 - August showers bring September flowers!?! #yellow #secondspring #goldenrod
FotoFourteen: 7 Days:Day 4 - Under a tropical storm, all my worries can wash away. Tomorrow things will be green and new. My shadow is being lousy company today. #selfie #ancientmaryjanes #leggings
FotoFourteen: video-2013-09-25-18-11-07
FotoFourteen: 7Days:Day6 - Honey wait! No you can't drink the homemade pumpkin spice creamer! Tomorrow's coffee is gonna be awesome, ya'll! #thingsImade #pumpkinspice #fall #preservativefree
FotoFourteen: 7Days:Day7. I slacked and didnt post yesterday. I had the best day in months! Stayed in a great mood, wore jeggings for the first time at work, shopped, dealt with some intense feelings, talked to a friend, wine, not one but two desserts, finished off wit