KH Lin (Simon): 清水 高美
KH Lin (Simon): wait for train
KH Lin (Simon): 內灣火車
KH Lin (Simon): dusk view in Penghu County,Taiwan
KH Lin (Simon): fishes dried under sun澎湖
KH Lin (Simon): 碉堡澎湖
KH Lin (Simon): 澎湖灣
KH Lin (Simon): Whale cave 澎湖
KH Lin (Simon): 鹿港天后宮
KH Lin (Simon): 彰化八卦山
KH Lin (Simon): 彰化八卦山
KH Lin (Simon): Thousands of people demonstrated to protest air pollution. Some wore chimneies on their heads which were written the names of perticular factory and coal-fired power plant.In a creative way to fight for the right to breathe healthily.
KH Lin (Simon): fish farm in air pollution.雲林麥寮
KH Lin (Simon): 東海大學
KH Lin (Simon): 清水紫雲巖
KH Lin (Simon): 清水紫雲巖
KH Lin (Simon): 清水高美
KH Lin (Simon): homeless
KH Lin (Simon): homeless
KH Lin (Simon): 雲林東勢country road