Izakigur: Dogs show in Festival de Ballons Chateau d'Oex 2013.no. 34.
Izakigur: 100 years parade for the cars of Louis Chevrolet (1911 2011) No. 88.
Izakigur: Zurich by stormy night.29.12.17, 21:47:06 .BH 4104.
Izakigur: Zurich City Lights 21
Izakigur: Zurich City Lights 13 ,version B.
Izakigur: City lights 1 Zurich Parada Platz
Izakigur: Lets go see a sunset in Amsterdam. Being there again, Amsterdam Central. No. 3228.
Izakigur: Winter twilight time . La Chaux-de-Fonds. Canton de Neuchâtel. Switzerland. No. 3714.
Izakigur: Winter's sunset. La Tourne, Canton of Neuchatel, Switzerland. 12 12 12 Panorama no. 1.
marco_pozza: macchina fotografica
ke0ky: _MG_6874
AndyW Harz: Seestille
AndyW Harz: new day
gato-gato-gato: 20 minuten
pure photography!: Happy New Year 2015!
pure photography!: It's Summertime!