Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Grates Cove LL #471.7
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Head of the Ceratosaurus
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - The Beast of Grates Cove
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Grates Cove Visitor
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Grates Cove Explorer
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Bi-Berg by Bell Island, Conception Bay
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Biscayan Cove, Newfoundland
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Pouch Cove Panorama
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Pigeon Island, Biscayan Cove
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Distant Beast in Biscayan Cove
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Tabular Bergy Bit
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Pouch Cove, Newfoundland
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Wanderers
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Pouch Cove, Newfoundland, Where The Rock Meets The Sea
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Sea Saw Waves
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Seagull Bomb Run!
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Crash & Splash!
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Pouch Cove Berg Sighting!
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Pouch Cove Monster!
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - The Reveal!
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Shy Iceberg!
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - The Queen's Battery Barracks, St. John's
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Fort Amherst, St. John's
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Port of St. John's
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - First Iceberg SIghting from SIgnal Hill
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Gower Manor - Packing Up is Hard to Do
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Gower Manor - One RIngy DIngy
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Gower Manor - WIndow
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Gower Manor - Queen Vic's Stairs
Jay:Dee: Newfoundland Trip - Gower Manor - One of Eighteen