jasenn: He really doesn't like the bath thing
jasenn: BabyTegue001
jasenn: Burp time.
jasenn: Tegue with dad
jasenn: Grandad
jasenn: Dad and Tegue
jasenn: Aunt Amy
jasenn: Tegue in Dad's lap
jasenn: Dad
jasenn: IMG_0645
jasenn: IMG_0628
jasenn: IMG_0634
jasenn: IMG_0887
jasenn: 7 months 006
jasenn: Sep-Oct 08016
jasenn: playful.
jasenn: smiles for the camera
jasenn: Thanksgiving 5
paul heaston: bison up close
paul heaston: tegue and me
paul heaston: tegue and me
lindamade: elgin2010
lindamade: tegue's new shoes
lindamade: amy and LD
lindamade: amy and LD
lindamade: elgin, ND
lindamade: stop sign near gunny's
lindamade: kramer homestead outside elgin, ND
lindamade: kramer homestead outside elgin, ND
lindamade: kramer homestead outside elgin, ND