janberendsen: Heavy ship in the Port of Jakarta
janberendsen: Worker at the port of Jakarta
janberendsen: View down from a very high vibrating bridge
janberendsen: movie stars on the wall in hotel in bandung
janberendsen: the moped is the means of transport for the whole family
janberendsen: old brake pads of the train in Yogyakarta
janberendsen: The Barber, the decoration is unimportant @Yogyakarta
janberendsen: the well-known rice fields Sawa's
janberendsen: Worker at the rice-fields Sawa's
janberendsen: A big smile by a worker at the rice-fields Sawa's
janberendsen: Prambanan Temple near Yogyakarta
janberendsen: Prambanan Temple hiding under the parasol
janberendsen: Borobudur Temple
janberendsen: Cold waiting for morning light
janberendsen: Light is coming morning mist over the volcanic ash
janberendsen: in a few hours the temperature rises 25 degrees
janberendsen: morning mist over the volcanic ash
janberendsen: on each place she had to pose
janberendsen: Moped, horse or jeep to drive on the vulcano ash
janberendsen: Moped, horse or jeep to drive on the vulcano ash
janberendsen: Moped, horse or jeep to drive on the vulcano ash
janberendsen: Local market under a green sailing out of the hot Sun
janberendsen: On the market everywhere friendly people
janberendsen: Botanical Garden Bogor
janberendsen: Botanical Garden Bogor Children in schooluniform
janberendsen: Borobudur Temple
janberendsen: Borobudur Temple
janberendsen: Borobudur Temple Buddhist monk
janberendsen: Surabaya port in the midday heat
janberendsen: Surabaya port in the midday heat