Art puzzles:
5000 piece puzzle, 'Art Studio. Ruben's house', by Van Haecht, 1980, Educa Sallent hnos, Spain
Art puzzles:
3000 piece puzzle, 'Map of the World', by Willem Blaeu, 1986, Educa Sallent hermanos, Spain
Art puzzles:
5000 piece puzzle, 'The Gallant Shepherd' by Unknown, 1987, Educa Sallent hermanos, Spain
Art puzzles:
3000 piece puzzle 'Planisphere', by Abraham Ortelius, 1988, Educa Sallent hermanos, Spain
Art puzzles:
4000 piece puzzle, 'Battle of Lepanto', by A. de Brugada, 1988, Educa Sallent hermanos, Spain
Art puzzles:
8000 piece puzzle 'The Shootings of 3rd May', by Francisco de Goya, 1988, Educa Sallent hermanos, Spain
Art puzzles:
5000 piece puzzle, 'Celestial Planisphere', by Andrea Cellarius, 1990, Educa Sallent hermanos, Spain
Art puzzles:
8000 piece puzzle, 'Alexander Magno visiting Apelles' studio', by W. van Haecht, 1990, Educa Sallent hermanos, Spain
Art puzzles:
5000 piece puzzle, 'Saint James Fair', by Samuel Colman, 1993, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
8000 piece puzzle, 'La rendition de Grenada, Pradilla', by Francisco Pradilla, 1993, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
3000 piece puzzle, 'Interlude', by William Reynolds-Stephens, 1996, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
4000 piece puzzle, Battle of Austerlitz, by François Gérard, 1996, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
4000 piece puzzle, 'Mapamundi, 1375', by Cresques Abraham, 1996, Educa Sallient, Spain
Art puzzles:
4000 piece puzzle, 'La Parnasse', by Nicolas Poussin, 1996, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
5000 piece puzzle, 'The Arrival of Roger le Flor in Constantinople', by José Moreno Carbonero, Educa Sallent, 1996, Spain
Art puzzles:
8000 piece puzzle, 'Cappella Sistina', by Michelangelo Buonarrotti, 1996, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
3000 piece puzzle, 'L'arche de Noé', by Jan Brughel II, 1997, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
10000 piece puzzle, 'The Garden of Earthly Delights', by Hieronymus Bosch, 1997, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
5000 piece puzzle, 'The Wedding of Psyche and Cupido', by Giulio Romano, 1997, Educa Borras, Spain
Art puzzles:
4000 piece puzzle, 'The Fight Between Carnival and Lent', by Pieter Brueghel The Elder, 1998, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
4000 piece puzzle 'La Nascita di Venere', by Botticelli, 1998, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
6000 piece puzzle, 'The battle of Lepanto, 7 October 1571', by H. Letter, 1998, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
6000 piece puzzle, 'The Surrender of Breda', by Diego Velazquez, 1998, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
8000 piece puzzle, 'Trionfo degli Asburgo', by Luca Giordano, 1998, Educa Sallient, Spain
Art puzzles:
4000 piece puzzle, 'The Wieskirche', by Johan Baptist Zimmermann, 2001, Educa Sallent, Spain
Art puzzles:
5000 piece puzzle, 'The Feast of the Gods' by Hendrik Van Balen, 2001, Educa Borras, Spain
Art puzzles:
3000 piece puzzle, 'Guernica', by Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 2002, Educa Borras, Spain
Art puzzles:
3000 piece puzzle, 'Festa in teatro a Roma', by Giovanni Paolo Pannini, 2002, Educa Spain
Art puzzles:
4000 piece puzzle, 'Love and the Maiden', by John Roddam Spencer-Stanhope, 2002, Educa Borras, Spain
Art puzzles:
3000 piece puzzle, 'Lake Como Landing' by H. Behrens, 2003, Educa Borras, Spain