judyondewees: Bad hair day. #summer #osprey
Bernard Ruelle: Séricomyie silencieuse (Sericomyia silentis)
Bernard Ruelle: Hépatique (Phymatopus hecta)
Bernard Ruelle: Syrphe ceinturé (Episyrphus balteatus)
J Michael Hamon: Fishing Buddies
J Michael Hamon: On Hartsville Pike
GrahamParryWildlife: The Hobby or Eurasian hobby (2) (Falco subbuteo) Dungeness RSPB
rian.krenzer: hoverfly
rian.krenzer: butterfly
Bernard Ruelle: Agrion porte-coupe (Enallagma cyathigerum)
Bernard Ruelle: Agrion porte-coupe (Enallagma cyathigerum)
Kitty Kono: King of the Leaf
GrahamParryWildlife: Waxwing or Bohemian waxwing (B. garrulus),
GrahamParryWildlife: Long eared Owls (Asio otus) Dungeness RSPB
GrahamParryWildlife: A Snow bunting for Christmas !
Patrick Maurice: Greater Roadrunner
Patrick Maurice: Lifer Common Pauraque [Explored]
Patrick Maurice: iPhonescoped Lifer Least Grebe
Patrícia. Ferreira: Araneus Diadematus
judyondewees: Wet wren. #getoutside #deweesisland #birdingcharleston
Verlgof: ***
GrahamParryWildlife: Water Rail Rallus aquaticus
Bernard Ruelle: Mégère (Lasiommata megera)
Bernard Ruelle: One ready to take-off. Two waiting for landing (Eristalis sp)