Steve Shinn: Mountain Gorilla mother comforts baby in jungles of Rwanda.
Steve Shinn: Gorilla mother and baby in Rwandan jungle
Steve Shinn: Groilla in jungle of Rwanda, Mountain Gorilla in Rwanda.. terribly bored.
Steve Shinn: Mountain Goirllas, mother and baby in jungle of Rwanda. "Where is that bloody baby sitter!"
Steve Shinn: Rwanda jungle, Mountain Gorilla, headache......, ".. Uhhh,,, I guess I really went ape at that party last night..."
Steve Shinn: Leopard hunting in Botswana. Gotta love the camouflage.
Steve Shinn: Leopard watches from the brush, leopard pardus, Chobe National Park, Botswana
Steve Shinn: Typical game run in Rwanda looking for leapards. My Wife and Daughter in truck.
Steve Shinn: Clearing the brush while looking for Leopards.. The tracker/spotter usually sits here, with a seat belt on while I get to ride shotgun. My wife and daughter behind us.
Steve Shinn: Victoria Falls. The Zambezi river goes from hundreds of meters across to only a few. This is the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. You can see the border crossing at the right.
Steve Shinn: Zebra (Equus burchelli), Botswana, Africa
Steve Shinn: The Family Tree, White-backed Vultures
Steve Shinn: Lilac-breasted Roller (Coracias caudata ) Yeah, it's just another, what I call a BOASS (bird-on-a-stick-shot) but it is pretty...
Steve Shinn: Lilac-breasted Roller (Coracias caudata )
Steve Shinn: African Fish-eagle (Haliaeetus Vocifer), Chobe National Park, Botswana, Africa
Steve Shinn: Elephant African Zimbabwe. Our guide took us across the river from Botswana into Zimbabwe to ride these free roaming beasts.
Steve Shinn: African Elephants in Botswana on a dusty sunset through a very dusty filter.
Steve Shinn: African elephants at the spa. Chobe National Park, Botswana
Steve Shinn: Elephants and Warthogs, "Yo Pumba, wadup?" Chobe National Park, Botswana, E. Africa
Steve Shinn: Giraffes, cross traffic. Note Yellow-billed oxpecker passengers. Chobe National Park, Botswana, E. Africa
Steve Shinn: "You want some CUD?" Giraffe, Rwanda Africa.
Steve Shinn: otswana, East Africa (Approx 1.5 cm length)
Steve Shinn: Spotted Hyenas dine out, Botwwana East Africa
Steve Shinn: African Penguin (AKA "Jackkass Penguin") at Boulders Beach, Capetown, South Africa
Steve Shinn: African Penguin nesting at Boulders Beach, Capetown, South Africa The noises from this group let one understand why they are also known as "Jackass penguins"
Steve Shinn: African Penguin at Boulders Beach