tpreston87: American Woodcock, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY, June 5th, 2015
tpreston87: Killdeer and Greater Yellowlegs, Saltmarsh Nature Center, Marine Park, Brooklyn, NY, Jan 25th, 2015
tpreston87: Black-Bellied Plover (Left) with Dunlin, Archery Road Pilings, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY, Nov 27th, 2014
tpreston87: Common Loon, Archery Road Pilings, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY, Nov 27th, 2014
tpreston87: Red Knot (2nd from left) with Dunlin, Archery Road Pilings, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY, Nov 27th, 2014
tpreston87: Red Knot (2nd from left) with Dunlin, Archery Road Pilings, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY, Nov 27th, 2014
tpreston87: Semi-Palmated Plovers and Sanderlings, Plumb Beach, Brooklyn, NY, Aug 15, 2014
tpreston87: Least Sandpiper, Six Diamonds Ballfields, Dreier-Offerman Park, Brooklyn, NY, Aug 8, 2014
tpreston87: American Oystercatcher, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY, July 19, 2014
tpreston87: American Oystercatcher, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY, July 19, 2014
tpreston87: Willet, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY, June 28th, 2014
tpreston87: Willet, Big Egg Marsh, Queens, NY, June 21st, 2014
tpreston87: American Oystercatcher, Big Egg Marsh, Queens, NY, June 21st, 2014
tpreston87: Semi-palmated Sandpipers and Semi-Palmated Plover, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY, May 26th, 2014
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tpreston87: Solitary Sandpiper, Green-wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY, May 4th, 2014
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tpreston87: Purple Sandpiper, Coney Island 37th St Jetty, Brooklyn, NY, Dev 24th, 2013
tpreston87: Purple Sandpiper, Coney Island 37th St Jetty, Brooklyn, NY, Dev 24th, 2013
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