AlexGillespierailprod: CSX 4807 and 6484
AlexGillespierailprod: CSX 4441 2506 2
AlexGillespierailprod: CSX 4508 2369 2
AlexGillespierailprod: CSX 4508 2369
AlexGillespierailprod: CSX 4764 and 6922 2
AlexGillespierailprod: CSX 4764 and 4701
AlexGillespierailprod: CSX 4764 and 6922
AlexGillespierailprod: CSX 4755 and 6141
AlexGillespierailprod: CSX 4792 and 4775
AlexGillespierailprod: yard tower and signal bridge
AlexGillespierailprod: reading caboose