Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: δ Velorum and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Aspidiske and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Spica and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: α Centauri and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Hadar and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Acrux and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Gacrux and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Mimosa and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: The 10 brightests stars of the night sky through a smartphone
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Miaplacidus and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Menkalinan and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Castor and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Pollux and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Regulus and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Algieba and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Denebola and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Alphard and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Alnilam and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Mintaka and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Alnitak and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Bellatrix and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Saiph and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Mirzam and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Menkent and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Dschubba and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Alphecca and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Izar and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Shaula and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Sargas and its neighborhoods
Lucca Vanoni Ruggiero: Nunki and its neighborhoods