roB_méL: Spring on yellow.
roB_méL: Moon raker.
roB_méL: Environmental competition. Competencia ambiental en alrededores urbanos...
roB_méL: Le soleil brille, même aux jours les plus nuageux... Even on the cloudiest of days, the sun still shines.
roB_méL: The secret garden.
roB_méL: washed out!
roB_méL: Black poles ...inversion & right on blue
roB_méL: __Industrial patchwork ~~~
roB_méL: _ ONLY the lonely
roB_méL: _ the Proper State of MinD - Overcoming habitual patterns.
roB_méL: _ R U P T U R E S of things to come….InTrA ViSioN
roB_méL: _ ContaineD CommoDities.
roB_méL: _Punctuations in sequence…Stories without end.
roB_méL: _ "Blues for a Red Planet"
roB_méL: _deZonA - cultural hemisphere, the integration of 'other' elements into the landscape -