roB_méL: NIght halos at dusk
roB_méL: Promeneur tardif au crépuscule… Océan Indien. El paseante tarde a media luz… océano Indico
roB_méL: Gli occhi della natura. Nature's eyes...or glass baubles..
roB_méL: Bejewelled leaves. Hydrophobic effect
roB_méL: sheepish...
roB_méL: Storm approaching @ the beach
roB_méL: la spiaggia, una playa....???
roB_méL: Dancing in the light
roB_méL: Star amongst stars.
roB_méL: Flowers from my garden
roB_méL: The great chase...rolling on top of each other..
roB_méL: Le soleil brille, même aux jours les plus nuageux... Even on the cloudiest of days, the sun still shines.
roB_méL: Colour explosion!
roB_méL: __Two suns - The dawning of a New Year
roB_méL: __ Grey beach
roB_méL: __ Unparallelled worlds~~~
roB_méL: __Dream-inG-Pink
roB_méL: _Broken pieces
roB_méL: _ Connectivism