°Clò°: I was thinking: "I should shot something interesting". Then I realized I definitely have confused ideas about what is interesting and what is not.
°Clò°: Birthday stupid photo just to keep in mind 10 april 2008
°Clò°: Some things are so ugly to be Beautiful
°Clò°: I made Queen of Hearts lose her temper
°Clò°: Sensazione
°Clò°: There is NO question about my beauty.
°Clò°: Pellicola
°Clò°: Anonymity
°Clò°: Still-life.
°Clò°: Inner conflict.
°Clò°: This is me. I've been tagged
°Clò°: Pensieri Felici
°Clò°: ...E allora diamoci le mani, da buoni amici; buonanotte, e siate felici
°Clò°: He didn't lose his trundles...
°Clò°: Love of mine ♥
°Clò°: So maybe the world actually has some sense
°Clò°: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887
°Clò°: I'm a pretty impossible lady to be with _ part 3
°Clò°: I'm a pretty impossible lady to be with _ part 2
°Clò°: I'm a pretty impossible lady to be with
°Clò°: Mourning morning
°Clò°: Percorso
°Clò°: Some parts of me
°Clò°: Life is like a wheel, turning and turning, never stopping
°Clò°: It was in a turn of mine...that I happened to be amazed
°Clò°: Curly hair day
°Clò°: A cup of love?